Monday, January 24, 2011


This is from Alexsandra at Harnas:

We would like to thank you all sincerely for the generous contributions and interest you have put into Eddy. Eddy united people from all over the world with his story, and inspired all of us to stand together and fight for his life. With the permission from all the people who donated we would like to continue this battle for the lives of the African baby elephants in the memory of Eddy. It is a big problem all over the world that baby elephants fall into waterholes, and get separated from their mums and become easy prey. With your permission the unused portion of Eddy's funding will go to the rebuilding and restructuring of water points in Bushmanland Namibia, ensuring that there will be no more baby elephants at risk of falling in and getting stuck, and that more baby elephants can live happily ever after with their herd and mums. 

Once again here is the link to Harnas' main site and their Facebook page.

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